BODMAS is an acronym associated with understanding and using number operations. It’s a way of remembering the correct sequence to carry out calculations.

To begin with, we calculate everything in brackets (B). Then, we move on to any orders (O), such as powers and roots. Having done that, we move from left to right, and either divide (D) or multiply (M). Lastly, we move from left to right once again, and either add (A) or subtract (S).

Let’s use the sum 3 × (7 – 3) as an example.

It contains brackets, a multiplication sign and a subtraction sign. BODMAS tells us that we must deal with brackets first, so here’s what happens:

        3 × (7 – 3)
     = 3 × 4
     = 12

Another example is the sum 2 + 3 × 5 – 4.

We can see three different signs here – addition, multiplication and subtraction. BODMAS tells us that multiply comes before add and subtract, so here’s what happens:

        2 + 3 × 5 – 4
     = 2 + 15 – 4
     = 17 – 4
     = 13

We sometimes refer to ‘BODMAS’ as ‘BIDMAS’.