long division

Long division is the process of dividing large numbers without using a calculator.

It’s similar to short division, but rather than writing the remainder on the top it is written below the sum.

Let’s divide 8855 by 24:

Every digit must be divided by 24, starting on the left-hand side. Any remainder will join the next digit to create a new number to be divided.

Here are the steps:

    8 (thousands) ÷ 24 = 0 remainder 8 (thousand)
    88 (hundreds) ÷ 24 = 3 remainder 16 (hundred)
    165 (tens) ÷ 24 = 6 remainder 21 (ten)
    215 (units) ÷ 24 = 8 remainder 23 (unit)

Therefore, the answer is 3 (hundred), 6 (ten) and 8 (unit) with remainder 23. This is written as 368 remainder 23.

The traditional method of calculating a long division sum is shown opposite.

Another method of calculating this type of sum is repreated subtraction.