
This is the name given to the number which is used to multiply another number.

For example, in the sum 6 × 3, the multiplier is 6.

Sometimes, we need to increase something by a certain percentage.

For example, to increase a length by 33% we need to find the original length plus 33%.

Therefore, to increase 140 cm by 33%:

    140 × 1.33 = 186.2 cm

Here, the multiplier is 1.33, which is the number used to multiply the original length.

In the same way as increasing, we can reduce something by a certain percentage.

For example, to reduce a length by 33% we need to find the original length minus 33%.

Therefore, to decrease 140 cm by 33%:

    140 × 0.67 = 93.8 cm

Here, the multiplier is 0.67, which is the number used to multiply the original length.